A Mother's Day Rememberence
When Emily S contacted me to have me make this piece as a gift for her sister, Marcy, in memory of their mother, I was instantly touched. Given the timing of her order, I was determined that she should have it by Mother's Day. I am so grateful that not only for this opportunity, but for Emily sharing a photo and the story of their mother, who is absolutely stunning. This act is just as touching as Marcy's kind words about her piece:
"Usually @eesweeney87 is just you're regular ole, typical, big sister type. But every once in a while she blows my mind and totally redeems herself. The stone in this ring is custom made from our mother's ashes. Knowing this upcoming Mother's Day is going to be a rough one, being it our first one without our mom, she so thoughtfully softened the blow by surprising me with this, and there really aren't words to describe how much this means to me. I'm going to cherish it until the end of my days. I love you Big G #sisters #restinparadisemom"
Emily, you are the big sister that I wish I could have had. Thank you so much for this privilege and for being such a kind and giving soul. And thank you, Marcy, for your pride and your kindness.